March 4, 2009

Restaurant Group

Dear Sisters of Relief Society,
I am in the process of planning out dates and locations for out Restaurant Group! For those of you who expressed interest in participating in this group, please respond (for yourself, and for your friends in the ward that may not see this email).

1. How often would you like this group to meet?
(You would not necessarily need to commit to attending all events).
2. What days of the week work best with your schedule?
3. Would you prefer meeting for lunch or dinners? Or no preference?
4. How long would you like our group to meet for?
(i.e. 1 hour, 1.5 hours, no more than 2 hours)
5. What price range is in your budget?
(You can answer using the following method: $ = 5-7 dollars, $$ = 8-12 dollars, $$$: 13+)
6. Are there any restaurants you would like to visit?
7. What types of food do you like to eat?
8. Do you have any allergies? Or foods you love/hate to eat?
9. How would you like to receive updates on our events?
(i.e. email, phone call, announcement at church, blog, etc).
10. Do you have any tips/suggestions for our this group will function?

Thank you! Please respond to Julia Nuttall as soon as possible so we can start meeting and eating!

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